

WecSec Limited
Hortico Court, Floor 1
8, Triq San Mikiel
San Gwann SGN 2302

Telephone: +356 7902 0448

Authorized representatives: Sandra Weckbrodt, Torsten Weckbrodt, Carsten Fraatz

Register court: Malta Business Registry
Register number: C 95487

VAT identification number as per § 27a German Value Added Tax Act:

Person responsible for content: WecSec Limited (address as above)

Disclaimer – legal information


§ 1 Warnings regarding contents

The readily accessible contents of this website are free of charge and prepared with the utmost care and attention. The website provider does not accept any liability for the accuracy and topicality of the free and readily accessible guides and news sources. All contributions with the name of the author reflect the author’s opinions and not necessarily those of the provider. Simply accessing free and readily accessible content does not represent a contractual relationship between the user and the provider, as there is no intent to create legal relations on the part of the provider.

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This website contains links to third-party websites (“external links”). These websites are the responsibility of the relevant operators. Upon initial placing of external links, the provider has checked to ensure that third-party content does not contain any legal violations. There were no legal violations at this time. The provider has no influence on the actual and future design as well as the contents of the sites in question. Placing of external links does not mean that the provider adopts the contents that are part of the reference or link as his own. It is unreasonable to expect the provider to constantly monitor external links for legal violations without specific indication thereof. However, such third-party links will be deleted immediately once we are made aware of legal violations.

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The contents of this website are subject to German copyright and ancillary rights law. Every form of use not permitted by German copyright and ancillary rights law requires prior written permission from the provider or the relevant rights holder. This applies, in particular, to duplication, editing, translation, storage, processing, or reproduction of contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. In this case, third-party contents and rights are indicated as such. Unauthorized duplication or transfer of individual contents or entire pages is not allowed and is punishable by law. Only copies and downloads for personal, private, non-commercial use are permitted.

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If specific conditions for individual use of this website differ from those set out in previous paragraphs, they will be stated explicitly when they arise. In this case, special terms of use will apply to the relevant individual case.

Photo sources

zapp2photo, lucadp, sebra, MH (Adobe Stock)


Misto Ltd. Malta